Health Benefits of Broccoli

The King of the Crucifers You cannot overestimate the health benefits of broccoli. Though we hate to admit it, mom was spot on when she said that this green vegetable, which resembles a miniature bonsai tree, is the best thing since sliced bread. As a kid, sliced bread seemed a whole lot better than broccoli.  We also knew as a kid, that broccoli wasn’t one of our favourite veggies. It wasn’t until much later that we discovered how vital this green plant would be for our health. But back then, we didn’t know this cruciferous family member could help a host of health issues, including heart … Read more

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Nature’s Golden Remedy Let us take a moment to appreciate the amazing health benefits of turmeric, also known as the golden spice. This humble spice has recently been called the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. In this article, we are going to see what all the fuss is. We can certainly break it down for you. First of all, what exactly is turmeric? Turmeric is the dried and ground root of a plant belonging to the ginger family. It looks similar to ginger except for its yellow-orange colour. It’s used in India for centuries as both a culinary spice (it gives curry … Read more


Cancer Fighting Protection  Watercress is much more than just a simple garnish for your salad or sandwich. It’s packed full of beta-carotene, an essential nutrient that not only helps ward off heart disease but also helps reduce your risk of lung cancer. This dark green leafy vegetable with its delicate dime-size leaves and pungent and peppery flavour also helps prevent wrinkles and diseases associated with ageing, thus decreasing your risk of cataracts. Not bad for a small flowery plant with four petals that resembles a cross. It’s also a cruciferous vegetable. And as you may know, cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and cauliflower are well … Read more

Health Benefits of Tropical Fruits

They all have Exotic Healing Powers The health benefits of tropical fruits such as Pineapples, Papaya, Mangoes and Guavas have some incredible healing powers, and they can play an essential role in preventing heart disease and cancer. They can also aid in digestion. So the next time you wheel your trolly around the supermarket, make sure you stock up on these luscious fruits. Depending on where you live in the world, many of these tropical fruits can be obtained year-round and not only just in the summer months. Eating these fruits will have a better taste when in season. Some … Read more

Antioxidant Health Benefits

The Bodyguards for your Cells The Antioxidant Health Benefits and fantastic healing powers you get from plant-based foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables will help reduce your risk of heart disease. They also help prevent certain cancers as well as reduce your risk of macular degeneration and prevent muscle soreness.   I’m not necessarily going to cover all the scientific studies in-depth well-documented on antioxidants. Besides, I also don’t want to bore you with too much of that particular jargon. However, it’s good to understand the basics behind the subject. I’d much rather help, not only to correct some common misconceptions … Read more

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

More than just a Halloween Decoration You may well ask yourself what exactly are the health benefits of pumpkin and that it’s not merely a sort-after commodity used as a decoration for Halloween. No, more than that, it’s a wonderful superfood we can all eat and enjoy. And pumpkins are filled with powerful carotenoids like beta-carotene, a chemical compound which can help stop cellular damage before it leads to disease. It’s not just due to its size that pumpkin is called the king of squash. A half-cup of pumpkin has more than 16 milligrams of beta-carotene, 160 to 260 of the Daily … Read more

Health Benefits of Bananas

If you think you may be going bananas, think again because the health benefits of bananas are no laughing matter. Bananas come packed with potassium, and that’s a good thing because bananas can help decrease the risk of strokes. They also lower blood pressure, relieve heartburn, prevent ulcers and speed recovery from diarrhoea. You’ll want to take the fruit more seriously because they can do wonders for your health. Bananas are one of nature’s best sources of potassium with each fruit providing about 400 milligrams which in turn is about 11 per cent of the Daily Value (D.V.) of this … Read more

Health Benefits of Pineapples

Today I’d like to tell you about the fantastic health benefits of pineapples and the reason why I eat pineapple as well as two other fruits almost every day with my morning oats. Not only are pineapples a rich source of vitamin C and calcium, but they also contain substances that keep bones healthy and promote digestion. You know that we need calcium to prevent osteoporosis, the bone-thinning disease that primarily affects postmenopausal women. What they don’t know is that your bones need manganese as well. The body uses manganese to make collagen, a tough fibrous protein that helps build connective … Read more

The Vegetarian Diet

Plant-Based Food for a long and Healthy Life Being on a plant-based Vegetarian Diet has all the hallmarks for living a long and healthy life. We all know that but how hard is being a vegetarian. A friend of mine recently became a vegetarian and later confessed to me that he was missing his lamb curry and didn’t know if he can hold out much longer. For me, it was no problem whatsoever. Being brought up in a large family of six boys and one girl, my dad, who was the only breadwinner, wasn’t by all means bringing home a lot of … Read more

Health Benefits of Parsnips

A worthy Participant against Strokes Despite their pale appearance and intense flavour, the health benefits of parsnips more than make up for their whitish tone. At first glance, you could easily mistake them for white carrots because both parsnips and carrots are so similar in shape. But that’s where the similarity ends. Parsnips don’t even come from the same root family as carrots, but surprisingly, from the parsley family, hence the name. Parsnips are a good source of fibre, folate and phenolic acids. They can also help prevent colon cancer, lower your risk of heart disease, stabilize blood sugar levels, decrease the risk of a stroke … Read more