Foods Cardiologists Warn Against if You Want a Healthy Heart

Maintaining a diet is essential for overall well-being, particularly good heart health. Some common foods are bad for your heart health that cardiologists encourage us to avoid. We take a look at 18 foods to avoid if we want to keep our heart healthy:   Processed Meats Processed meats like bacon, sausages, and deli meats are high in saturated fats, sodium, and preservatives, which can increase the risk of heart disease. Research published in UCLA indicates that eating 150g of processed meats a week increases the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases by 46%.  This is because these foods often contain nitrates … Read more

Healthy Food Groups

For Balance, Harmony and Enrichment Wouldn’t it be great to know at least some of the healthy food groups so that we can create balance, harmony and enrichment? These food groups would include protein, carbohydrates, fats and oils as well as vitamins and minerals. By adding enough of all these food groups, you’d be well on your way to living a bountiful and healthy lifestyle. Enjoying a delicious meal featuring your favourite dishes is one of the great pleasures of life. But you don’t want to eat because of its pleasant taste; you’d need to take in all the nourishment to survive. The foods we eat … Read more

Health Guide

Maintaining a Sustainable and Happier Lifestyle  It’s not always that simple to find a reliable health guide these days to point us in the right direction to many of the fundamentals of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Be it at home or while you’re on the go. Whether it’s saying no to junk food, getting more fruit and vegetables into your respective diets, or eating enough fibre foods. And also to finding time for exercise or even giving up on red meat. We need to step back for a moment and reflect on where we go next. Unlike days gone by, we … Read more

Vitamin Deficiency

Solutions on ways to heal yourself  You’ll know if you have a vitamin deficiency if you suffer from muscle cramps, fatigue, insomnia, cold hands and feet or any other causes for concern? And did you know that you can heal yourself with vitamins directly from the foods you eat? Well, you’ve come to the right source because here you’ll find all the mineral and vitamin deficiency solutions you’ll need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Here’s how to fix the problem. Many of us suffer from one or other annoying health problem at some stage of our living life and not realising that … Read more

Stopped by Cops in Spain

Occupational Hazard of Shopping in San Pedro Southern Spain 2020, the world is in a global Lockdown and I got Stopped by Cops in San Pedro, Southern Spain. While the rest of Spain is reeling from the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, the southern coastal town of San Pedro where I am residing, has not experienced a single case of this dreadful disease which, unfortunately, has forced everyone else around the world, except those without a home into some kind of mandatory house arrest. Having recently arrived from South Africa, I left the confines of the Spanish villa in which I was … Read more

Smoking Help

How to Outsmart the Evil Weed with Fresh Fruit and Vegetables There is some good news for smokers as smoking help is just around the corner. And this help is a lot closer than you think. You only need to go to your local fruit and vegetable market to find the answers. Because I’m always thinking out of the box and in this case, on the shelf, I soon realised everything was right in front of me all the time. All this abundant food can play an essential and beneficial role in helping you get your life back together. Or could … Read more

Sea Vegetables

Health Benefits from the Ocean Why would anyone want to eat seaweed also referred to as sea vegetables? People ask me this every time I bring up the subject. The answer is quite simple – Seaweed offers one of the broadest ranges of minerals of any food, containing virtually all the minerals found in the ocean and not surprisingly, many of the same pure substances are found in human blood too. The Health Benefits of Seaweed has a variety of unique phytonutrients including their sulphated polysaccharides (also called fucoidans). Unlike some other categories of vegetables, sea vegetables do not appear to depend … Read more

Raw Vegan Food

The Healthy Eating Lifestyle Not only can a raw vegan food diet be seen as a healthy meat-free alternative but it can certainly add a lot more vibrancy and energy into the equation as well as it can make you as strong as an ox. And if anyone asks you how you can become as strong as an ox without eating meat, tell them – Have you ever seen an ox eating meat. And all this despite the lack of any long-term analogy of the type of successes that a raw food diet can bring to the table compared to other kinds of healthy … Read more

Plant Protein

Take a look at some of the Best Food Sources Is it correct to assume that not all food is equal and if so, is plant protein better than animal protein? This question is often up for discussion when the subject is up for debate. Many of us assume that if you don’t eat meat, we’re not getting the right type of protein in our diet or that we’re not getting any protein at all. But what meat-eater often fail to realise is that plant-based protein has a much higher nutritional value than meat-based protein. I wonder how many of you will agree … Read more

Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Nature’s Protectors against Heart Disease, Cancer and Ageing Antioxidant-rich foods with particular reference to plant-based fruit and vegetables are available to us in abundance in most parts of the world with some fantastic healing powers. They are also nature’s protectors against heart disease, cancer, ageing as well as many other degenerative diseases. There are hundreds of natural food compounds that act as antioxidants in your body. And the best thing about them is that you never have to run out of them because you can eat more. We are going to focus on the three most important ones, and they are Vitamin C, … Read more