11 Super Skin Foods

A Fresh Approach to Looking Years Younger With a little tender loving care, these 11 super skin foods will give you the radiant glow you’ve always wanted. In an ever-busy working world, most of us haven’t still got the time or inclination to live a healthy lifestyle, and in doing so, we often eat foods that are not good for our optimum health. Whether we do this for the short or the long haul, we tend to gobble down food without questioning the harmful effects that they might cause us. Well, that’s all about to change. The super skin foods here are all packed with super nutrients which will turn your skin … Read more

South African Food

A Taste of Southern Cuisine While South African food and wide-open spaces are just some of the many pleasures that draw huge crowds of visitors to these shores every year, they also come to Africa to see the wildlife – namely the big five. Some believed that wild animals such as lions even roam our streets. I’m not sure where they got that from, but when I travelled to Europe, it was one of the first questions the Italians and Spaniards would ask me. South Africa is by all accounts one of the most beautiful places on the continent to begin … Read more

Food Facts

Are we eating and drinking all the wrong foods? Food Facts – Not only do we get to enjoy eating food, but we can also get a lot of pleasure from drinking food too. But how many of us know whether we are eating and drinking all the right food? In this article, I’ll explain why we may have got it all wrong and what we need to do to change all that. In the meantime, you may want to grab a cup of tea because you may be here for a while. If you need to sweeten your tea, add … Read more

Food Chemistry

We all know about body chemistry, but what do we know about food chemistry. Ever wonder why you pucker when you eat a lemon or weep when you chop an onion? Food glorious food. We all love it. We all need it. It provides us with vital fuel to keep our engines going. Food is also delicious, and we cannot live without it. Yet certain foods have very different effects on our bodies. Have you ever wondered why lemons have such a bitter taste or why onions bring tears to our eyes or why asparagus makes your urine smell? Read … Read more

Fibre Rich Food

They may have had a bad rap in the past but new research has found that eating fibre-rich carbs is essential for health and can help you live longer Fibre Rich Food such as bread, pasta and cereals are bad for you. Right! After all, they are all carbs which means they make you fat, which in turn puts you at risk of a whole host of life-threatening conditions. Should we ignore them and send them to the ends of the earth and stay with meat protein and some green veggies. Surely not if we debunk many of the beliefs … Read more

Definition of Free Radicals

What exactly are they! What is the “definition of free radicals” is a subject that’s not often brought up for discussion at the dinner table or for that matter, any time of the day or night. And that’s because it’s a subject we rarely get taught at school, college or even in the home. My teachers and parents never mentioned the words, and because we didn’t know better, we never asked. It’s only later in life that we begin to ask more critical questions and then to seek the answers. Free radicals and what they do to us is by all … Read more

Protein-Rich Plant Foods

Health benefits for Vegans and Vegetarians Let’s take a closer look at the very footprint that protein-rich plant foods have on our system. The first thing we need to be aware that proteins are essential nutrients the human body needs as a building block to help tissue development. Protein also serves as an excellent fuel source which in turn provides us with high energy levels. However, we cannot exclude the most important aspect of protein from a nutritional standpoint, and that is its amino acid composition. Having been a vegetarian for forty-five years, one of the first things friends and … Read more

Seaweed Benefits

Protection from the Deep Seaweed benefits your health in so many ways which make me wonder why so many people I’ve spoken too said that the only sea plant they’ve ever seen was on the beach. But not that they would consider eating vegetables from the sea. Except, maybe that green stuff wrapped around their sushi rolls. Little do they realise that this alga has immense healing powers. And did you know that by eating sea vegetables frequently they can be a valuable source of essential vitamins and minerals, many of which you cannot find in the other foods you consume? Sea … Read more

Adzuki Beans

Red Beans Packed with Protein Adzuki Beans pronounced Ah-zoo-key has several fantastic health benefits. Apart from helping with weight loss, these little red beans are also useful for managing diabetes, optimising digestion, increasing energy levels and great for detoxing. It may be small, but the adzuki bean has a lot to offer. Firstly, it’s highly versatile. Many sweet dishes made in Asia use red bean paste from adzuki beans to make desserts and cakes. You can also use it to make ice-cream or a topping for waffles, biscuits and bread. As a savoury option, you can use the beans in … Read more

Natural Vitamins

How to Heal yourself with Healthy Food It may come as no surprise that we can obtain all the natural vitamins needed for optimum health directly from the food we eat. It might take a bit of adjustment, but if you’re seriously thinking of switching to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, it would easily afford you all the essential vitamins nature intended us to have. Having said this, would it not be so much better to have a healthy eating plan for a life without illness and disease than a life with pain and suffering. And all this caused by the overconsumption of unhealthy food, prescription drugs … Read more