Health Myths

Misconceptions about your Health you should Ignore There’s no need to swallow all the health myths that we hear about so often such as we need to drink eight glasses of water a day. That we should live and eat like troglodytes, that our bodies need some detoxing, that antioxidant pills help us live longer, that being a bit overweight shortens our life and that sugar makes children hyperactive. It’s all a load of hogwash. All this makes me want to put pen to paper and to see where it take us. One of the first health myths that will … Read more

The Vegetarian Diet

Plant-Based Food for a long and Healthy Life Being on a plant-based Vegetarian Diet has all the hallmarks for living a long and healthy life. We all know that but how hard is being a vegetarian. A friend of mine recently became a vegetarian and later confessed to me that he was missing his lamb curry and didn’t know if he can hold out much longer. For me, it was no problem whatsoever. Being brought up in a large family of six boys and one girl, my dad, who was the only breadwinner, wasn’t by all means bringing home a lot of … Read more

Millet Nutrition

More than Food for the Birds Millet nutrition is not just for the birds though most of us view this grain as a food source for our little feathered friends. Without realising it, we feed our pet birds with some of the best seeds and grains that we too can consume as part of a healthy program. Millet, a highly nutritious grain looks just like a tiny yellow bead and has been around for thousands of years, yet when speaking to friends and family, most have never heard of it let alone cooked it. Some don’t even see the connection when … Read more

Health Benefits of Minerals

The Miracle of Minerals While the health benefits of minerals you can get in the food you eat, you can also get them from supplements. However, if you’re taking them in pill or capsule form, you should also make sure that you take them in the correct quantities. Minerals are chemical elements that are an essential part of a balanced diet, and your body needs them to be able to function correctly. There are two kinds of minerals. One is known as macrominerals, and the other is known as trace minerals. Your body needs a lot more macrominerals than it does … Read more

The Vegan Diet

I have to say that a vegan diet does not necessarily mean that you have to give up eating for pleasure. By going vegan, you’ll not only have a much better quality of life, but you’ll also rid yourself of all the toxins that have been merrily creating havoc in your body. And there are plenty of plant-based foods to satisfy all your taste sensations. Vegans don’t eat meat, and they spurn all animal products. It used to take a lot of courage to admit you were “one of them”. Not only am I a vegetarian, but saying you were … Read more

Natural Health Remedies

Simple Treatments you can fix at Home I’ve always wanted to put some of the Natural Health Remedies we keep hearing about to the test. If you’re going to sort out a specific health concern such as a headache, a toothache, constipation or diarrhoea, the simple treatments listed here are things you could quickly fix at home. And since you are here, we’ll see if we can also sort out a few other symptoms like gout, halitosis, dandruff, eczema and body odour. For the most part, they seem to work out pretty well. These natural home remedies might also have some medical credence and enable … Read more

Unhealthy Food

And why we should stop eating Meat There are several reasons why we should stop eating unhealthy food. And this is especially condemnatory when it comes to the vast consumption of carnivorous types of food such as red meat.  Apart from the fact that eating any meat can be “deadly” to our system, the structure of our body and internal organs are not designed for this. You only have to look at just a few components of the human body, both internally and externally to understand why we’ve got it all wrong about our eating habits and how we can easily change that … Read more

Keep Calm and Go Nuts

I often tell my friends to keep calm and go nuts. They think I’m nuts because I chose to go on a plant-based diet which included going nutty on nuts. I’m happy I did that, and that was 45 years ago without regret. Incidentally, that bit about keeping calm wasn’t something I made up. During World War II, the British government produced motivational posters – “Keep Calm and Carry On” It intended to raise the morale of the British public when Germany at the time threatened mass air attacks on their cities. So whenever you feel the need for something … Read more

Natural Herbs

Healing the Right Way The way forward with Natural Herbs John Lennon once wrote a song called “Imagine” which he went on to say – Imagine there’s no heaven, imagine there are no countries, imagine no possessions. John didn’t live long enough to realise all his dreams. But could you imagine a world without herbs? Imagine baked potato without chives or gingerbread without ginger. Before the discovery of modern pharmaceutical drugs, both Europeans and Americans relied on herbs. Imagine what life would have been like without herbs. Still, today, for millions of people around the world herbs are the real medicines they … Read more

Raw Food Diet

All the more Reason to Change our Eating Habits There are several reasons why a raw food diet may have some distinct advantages over that of cooked foods. Though it would be tough to eat whole grains such as brown rice or quinoa without cooking them, you can certainly live a comfortable and healthier lifestyle eating many of the raw foods that nature has provided for us in abundance. It doesn’t happen often, but I’ve heard several people telling me about their various raw food diets, and you have to ask yourself are some of these people from another planet. After all, the … Read more