Quinoa Nutrition

The Mother of all Grains Quinoa nutrition is something most of us know very little about so how about me giving you some facts and figures to a grain that has plenty of good things to offer. The only downside is perhaps the price. Yes, it’s more expensive than other whole grains, but the rewards you get will more than compensate for the higher cost. Depending on where you live, Quinoa can be more than three times the price than regular grains such as rice and oats at your local supermarket. Still, if you should be in Peru in South … Read more

Brain Food

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly If you want to be on top of things, you need to eat the right kind of Brain Food. Not only will the good healthy food keep your memory sharp, but it will also help ward off dementia and Alzheimer’s. And as a bonus, you’ll get to feel a lot more energetic too. However, there are some not so good foods out there as well. Sometimes they are right in front of us. They can be harmful, and they can be down-right ugly depending on which way you view them. I read a … Read more

Carotenoid-Rich Food

More than just Pretty Colours I’ve always insisted that we should eat food with colour and Carotenoid-Rich Food is a perfect choice. Not only are the vivid colours of fruit and vegetables good for your health, but they also brighten up your plate, which is right on the eyes and for the brain. For a long time, nature’s carotenoid-rich foods such as an emerald bed of lettuce, shiny scarlet tomato wedges or bright orange slivers of carrots are useful in bringing a colourful warmth to your heart and soul. Not only can carotenoids help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, … Read more

Constipation Remedies

Hop on the High-Fibre Express You don’t have to look that far to find the best constipation remedies to suit your needs. It’s merely a matter of getting more fibre and fluids into your diet. A diet with these two crucial ingredients will soon put an end to your constipation issues for good. The best way to do this is to eat more fruit, vegetables, legumes and whole grains because all these plant-based foods contain substantial amounts of fibre. And while you’re consuming these foods, you also be getting substantial amounts of fluids too. Want to know why? Because you’ll … Read more

Antibiotic Resistance

Lifestyle Choice and Advice We’ve all heard about antibiotics, but what do we know about antibiotic resistance and how does this work to our advantage? Many of us take in this whole antibiotic thing without question, but there’s still a lot of missing pieces we know absolutely nothing in respect to this. If you want some serious advice, you’re going to have to stop consuming all that unhealthy food that’s making you sick. You’re to have to eat more plant-based foods. You’re going to have to exercise more regularly, and you have to get plenty of sleep. That way, you won’t ever … Read more

Becoming a Vegetarian

Let Food be your Medicine and Medicine be your Food Becoming a vegetarian after a lifetime of eating animal products could take some adjusting. Still, if you set your sights correctly, it can be enriching, and the health benefits of a vegetarian diet will not only make you healthier, but you’ll look and feel a whole lot better too. You might also wonder why you should even consider making a switch from the foods you’d become accustomed too and then having to rearrange your whole eating program. It’s not that difficult when you set your mind to it. If you’re a smoker and … Read more