Health Benefits of Ginger

The Pungent Healer The Health Benefits of Ginger had its roots deeply embedded in history as long ago as King Henry VIII of England who thought it would protect against plague and the Roman military also keep it handy during their battles on the front line. But it was a Greek philosopher who touted it for digestive health and for good reason as there’s plenty of evidence that this gnarled, piquant root can help relieve dozens of health issues.  I’m utterly confident of the medicinal power of this root. So much so that during my Macrobiotics studies, I’d recommend ginger to … Read more

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Nature’s Golden Remedy Let us take a moment to appreciate the amazing health benefits of turmeric, also known as the golden spice. This humble spice has recently been called the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. In this article, we are going to see what all the fuss is. We can certainly break it down for you. First of all, what exactly is turmeric? Turmeric is the dried and ground root of a plant belonging to the ginger family. It looks similar to ginger except for its yellow-orange colour. It’s used in India for centuries as both a culinary spice (it gives curry … Read more

Benefits of Buckwheat

Protein Power Protection This heart-shaped grain may not be one of your favourites, but the benefits of buckwheat and the protein power you get from it make it one of the best whole grains there is. Though buckwheat or kasha as the roasted form of this grain is known, it’s not as popular in western countries as it is in Asia such as Japan, Tibet, China, Vietnam, Thailand and even in other places like Russia and the Balkans. Perhaps it’s why some of these countries have a remarkably low rate of cancer. Buckwheat contains a variety of compounds called flavonoids that are … Read more