Types of Fruits

All with Unique Flavours and Health Benefits When you travel the globe, you come across many different types of fruits, and they all have their unique flavour and health benefits. We may all have our favourite fruit, but to experience the fruits in exotic locations like South East Asia, Latin America and Africa could certainly open a whole new world for you. There are around 100 different varieties to choose, and while some, you may never have heard of, some you’ll recognise and others, you’ll come to love. There could also be those you’ll find hard to stomach. Nevertheless, the … Read more

Health Benefits of Figs

A Great Source of Fibre and Potassium Not only are the health benefits of figs a fabulous source of fibre and a significant source of potassium, but they also have some great healing powers. They can help lower high blood pressure, relieve constipation, control cholesterol and prevent colon cancer. Figs also have some hard-to-come-by vitamin B6 Fibre is so good for many things because fibrous material builds bulkier stools. It helps eliminate waste quickly and efficiently, which studies show helps prevent constipation and colon cancer. Getting more fibre in your diet also helps lower cholesterol and thus, the risk of heart disease. … Read more

Benefits of Tomatoes

Protection for more than just the Prostate Who would like to know more about the health benefits of tomatoes even though there is some speculation that because these fruits are members of the nightshade family, they could be toxic? Well, I did some digging and not just in the garden but also to find out what all the commotion surrounding these juicy fruits was. While doing my research on the Macrobiotic Diet, I was alarmed to discover that certain vegetables such as potatoes, eggplant, sweet peppers and tomatoes belonged to a particular family of plant food and that we should avoid eating them. … Read more

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

A Sweet Melon for good Circulation I cannot tell you enough about the Health Benefits of Cantaloupe and the incredible healing powers they have. This sweet-tasting fruit has numerous substances that can not only help lower high blood pressure and keep your blood running smoothly. It can also help lower cholesterol too. Cantaloupe is also a type of muskmelon or sweet melon. And in South Africa, it’s known as spanspek. No matter what you prefer to call it, cantaloupe, muskmelon, sweet melon or spanspek, it’s one of the few fruits or vegetables both rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene. Both these antioxidant compounds have … Read more

Benefits of Coconut Oil

All the Health and a whole lot more The amazing health benefits of coconut oil is a damn good reason to make a switch, especially if you’re tired of the same cooking and salad oils. While regular edible oils such as corn oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil, palm oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, peanut oil and olive oil are a common sight, there are some reasons for concern. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is not only the best money can buy, but you can use it in so many ways besides cooking. The best part is that extra … Read more

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Health from the Vine Not just because we love this big and bold fruit, the health benefits of watermelon contains some fantastic healing powers too. And who as a kid doesn’t love gauging on the juicy reddish flesh? When all is done and dusted, there’s always the possibility of engaging in a massive watermelon fight with all the leftover rinds. I remember participating in this ritual many times as a child. Even though it was a rather messy affair, it was also so much fun. Well, apart from all the exciting activities of this bootylicious fruit, let’s tuck in and see where it … Read more

Green Papaya Salad

Exotic Dish from the East Green Papaya Salad whose origins initially came from ethnic Laotian people is a spicy slaw made primarily from shredded unripe papaya. In Thailand, the name of this salad is Som Tam. In Laos, it is known as Tam Som or more specifically, Tam Maak Hoong. In Cambodia, it’s called Bok I’hong, and in Vietnam, it’s Gỏi đu đủ. This particular Asian salad is a fabulous alternative to the usual Greek, Italian or typical garden salad that most westerners have come to recognise. The green salad recipe on this page is a particular firm favourite amongst South East Asian … Read more

Health Benefits of Tropical Fruits

They all have Exotic Healing Powers The health benefits of tropical fruits such as Pineapples, Papaya, Mangoes and Guavas have some incredible healing powers, and they can play an essential role in preventing heart disease and cancer. They can also aid in digestion. So the next time you wheel your trolly around the supermarket, make sure you stock up on these luscious fruits. Depending on where you live in the world, many of these tropical fruits can be obtained year-round and not only just in the summer months. Eating these fruits will have a better taste when in season. Some … Read more

Health Benefits of Bananas

If you think you may be going bananas, think again because the health benefits of bananas are no laughing matter. Bananas come packed with potassium, and that’s a good thing because bananas can help decrease the risk of strokes. They also lower blood pressure, relieve heartburn, prevent ulcers and speed recovery from diarrhoea. You’ll want to take the fruit more seriously because they can do wonders for your health. Bananas are one of nature’s best sources of potassium with each fruit providing about 400 milligrams which in turn is about 11 per cent of the Daily Value (D.V.) of this … Read more

Health Benefits of Pineapples

Today I’d like to tell you about the fantastic health benefits of pineapples and the reason why I eat pineapple as well as two other fruits almost every day with my morning oats. Not only are pineapples a rich source of vitamin C and calcium, but they also contain substances that keep bones healthy and promote digestion. You know that we need calcium to prevent osteoporosis, the bone-thinning disease that primarily affects postmenopausal women. What they don’t know is that your bones need manganese as well. The body uses manganese to make collagen, a tough fibrous protein that helps build connective … Read more