Health Benefits of Apricots

You may well be asking yourself just what exactly are the health benefits of apricots. Do we care, and if so, what real benefit can we derive from them. Well, for one thing, the flesh of apricots are a bounty of beta-carotene, and we can all do with this vital antioxidant. While this intense amber pigment is abundant in many fruits and vegetables and plays a significant role in your health and well-being, beta-carotene also converts to vitamin A.  You could say that the flesh of the fruit has a kind of healing power that will not only protect your eyes but … Read more

Acerola Cherries

The Berry with the Healing Power of Vitamin C How many of you have ever heard of Acerola Cherries? And for those of you who don’t, it’s no surprise, because these delicate fruits are native to the West Indies. Acerola is a small berry-like fruit, primarily grown in Puerto Rico and a few other Caribbean Islands. However, you may be lucky enough, to find a few orchards in the warmer states of the US such as Florida, as well as places like Hawaii. Some people even grow Acerola Cherries in their backyards. See other fruits around the world. The Window Cave looking out over … Read more

Health Benefits of Cranberries

The health benefits of cranberries more than makeup for its tart taste and tough texture so no matter where you are if you can get hold of some, grab them with multiple hands. And that’s because these little red berries contain several compounds that show early promise against cancer and heart disease. What’s more, cranberry juice has earned the scientific stamp of approval for its traditional role in relieving bladder infections. Along with other berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, cranberries are an excellent source of ellagic acid, an antioxidant compound that has raised high hopes in cancer research. Ellagic acid is … Read more

Benefits of Oranges

The Sweet Taste of Citrus The real benefits of oranges are the healing powers they bring to your table. Not only can they help lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, but this humble fruit can also help fight cancer as well as put a hold on inflammation. Oranges are an incredibly versatile fruit and perhaps a near-perfect one too because they come gift-wrapped in their protective skin. So who doesn’t love eating oranges or drinking the juice therein? And the best part – You can eat them anywhere and anytime.   Yet oranges are much more than just a wholesome … Read more