Food Facts

Are we eating and drinking all the wrong foods? Food Facts – Not only do we get to enjoy eating food, but we can also get a lot of pleasure from drinking food too. But how many of us know whether we are eating and drinking all the right food? In this article, I’ll explain why we may have got it all wrong and what we need to do to change all that. In the meantime, you may want to grab a cup of tea because you may be here for a while. If you need to sweeten your tea, add … Read more

Food Chemistry

We all know about body chemistry, but what do we know about food chemistry. Ever wonder why you pucker when you eat a lemon or weep when you chop an onion? Food glorious food. We all love it. We all need it. It provides us with vital fuel to keep our engines going. Food is also delicious, and we cannot live without it. Yet certain foods have very different effects on our bodies. Have you ever wondered why lemons have such a bitter taste or why onions bring tears to our eyes or why asparagus makes your urine smell? Read … Read more

Fibre Rich Food

They may have had a bad rap in the past but new research has found that eating fibre-rich carbs is essential for health and can help you live longer Fibre Rich Food such as bread, pasta and cereals are bad for you. Right! After all, they are all carbs which means they make you fat, which in turn puts you at risk of a whole host of life-threatening conditions. Should we ignore them and send them to the ends of the earth and stay with meat protein and some green veggies. Surely not if we debunk many of the beliefs … Read more

Drinking Water Facts

Why we need it, how much we need and all the other stuffwe should know about this life-saving substance  Since there is so much talk about water, here are some severe drinking water facts we should know. Why we can’t live without it, how much water our bodies need, all the health benefits associated with it and a whole lot of other stuff too. Some of you may be shocked at what I’m about to tell you. But before I get to all that, what is it that we keep reading about having to drink eight glasses of water every day … Read more

Detoxification Diet

Natural Detox Health Tips With so many different diets around, have you ever thought about going on a detoxification diet? It’s not one that many of us talk about or perhaps even know that much about this one. Having approached the subject, how many of you know that your body has a brilliant and natural detoxification system already in place? For example – Your liver, kidneys and various other organs of the digestive system spearhead some major detoxification processes. When working as they should, they rid your body of dangerous toxins and other harmful free radicals that can cause some severe … Read more

Definition of Free Radicals

What exactly are they! What is the “definition of free radicals” is a subject that’s not often brought up for discussion at the dinner table or for that matter, any time of the day or night. And that’s because it’s a subject we rarely get taught at school, college or even in the home. My teachers and parents never mentioned the words, and because we didn’t know better, we never asked. It’s only later in life that we begin to ask more critical questions and then to seek the answers. Free radicals and what they do to us is by all … Read more

Health Benefits of Carrots

More than just a Root Vegetable Big question! Do carrots improve night vision? As part of the health benefits of carrots, and as a kid growing up, we were often told that if we eat our carrots, we would be able to see better at night. And we’ve all heard that proclamation many times over. During the second world war, if British fighter pilots ate those bright orange root vegetables before going on a night raid, they could win the fight against the enemy. And we all know the answer to that one. While there could be some merit in eating carrots to … Read more

Protein-Rich Plant Foods

Health benefits for Vegans and Vegetarians Let’s take a closer look at the very footprint that protein-rich plant foods have on our system. The first thing we need to be aware that proteins are essential nutrients the human body needs as a building block to help tissue development. Protein also serves as an excellent fuel source which in turn provides us with high energy levels. However, we cannot exclude the most important aspect of protein from a nutritional standpoint, and that is its amino acid composition. Having been a vegetarian for forty-five years, one of the first things friends and … Read more

Anti-Inflammation Diet

Eliminating Pain and Unpleasantness We’ve all suffered from inflammation at times. Still, if you follow an anti-inflammation diet and try your best to eliminate inflammatory foods, you’ll have a much better chance of staying fighting fit without all the pain and unpleasantness associated with inflammation. Inflammation, as we all know, can be a real pain in the neck and a lot of other places in our body too. Think of it as a wake-up call letting you know that something is amiss.  It may take some work on your part, but you can certainly use it as a tool to heal yourself. Some of … Read more

The Nightshade Family

And the Myths surrounding this Controversial Species Something is lingering in the air tonight and the Nightshade Family has come up for discussion. While there seems to be so much myth and controversy surrounding the subject of this plant species, also known as Solanaceae, few of us are even aware or concerned about what it may or may not represent. Some may even be a little superstitious, particularly about the edible family which includes the potato, the tomato, the pepper and the eggplant.   And while there might be some two thousand odd plant species belonging to this so-called deadly nightshade family, also … Read more