Macrobiotic Food

The Yin and Yang of Physical and Mental Balance   Though it may seem like something from mars, macrobiotic food is a simple dietary platform that when applied carefully, can create a stabilised state of overall physical and mental balance. You may ask yourself what’s wrong with the food I’m already eating, that which my mother made and that which has passed down for generations. But now that we there is too much exposure to modern conveniences, so comes more imbalances. We are following this with more and more cases of severe health conditions. Sometimes we have to make some adjustments to bring … Read more

Macrobiotic Diet

Part of the Cancer Prevention Program Do you know or have even heard about the Macrobiotic Diet? I first became aware of it in 1986 when I was fortunate enough to meet Dirk Benedict, at the time a well-known film and television actor from Montana in the Northwestern United States. I didn’t meet Dirk in America. I met him in Africa when he was invited by a banking institution to save the white African rhino. It’s a shame that some people from different parts of the world come to Africa to shoot all these big, beautiful creatures. Anyway, you might know Dirk through … Read more

Mediterranean Diet

A Model for Good Health The benefits of a Mediterranean diet, I can only imagine, could easily be viewed as a model for good health. For the simple reason that it has all the right ingredients and healing powers to help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer as well as lower your cholesterol levels. It’s all the more reason why you should adopt this healthful lifestyle.  Depending on your age, some of you may vaguely remember that during the early sixties, the rate of heart disease in the United States was skyrocketing. People living on the southern European shores of the … Read more

Detoxification Diet

Natural Detox Health Tips With so many different diets around, have you ever thought about going on a detoxification diet? It’s not one that many of us talk about or perhaps even know that much about this one. Having approached the subject, how many of you know that your body has a brilliant and natural detoxification system already in place? For example – Your liver, kidneys and various other organs of the digestive system spearhead some major detoxification processes. When working as they should, they rid your body of dangerous toxins and other harmful free radicals that can cause some severe … Read more

Anti-Inflammation Diet

Eliminating Pain and Unpleasantness We’ve all suffered from inflammation at times. Still, if you follow an anti-inflammation diet and try your best to eliminate inflammatory foods, you’ll have a much better chance of staying fighting fit without all the pain and unpleasantness associated with inflammation. Inflammation, as we all know, can be a real pain in the neck and a lot of other places in our body too. Think of it as a wake-up call letting you know that something is amiss.  It may take some work on your part, but you can certainly use it as a tool to heal yourself. Some of … Read more

The Asian Diet

Where East Eats are Healthier There’s something to be said about the Asian Diet and the fact that people of the orient have remarkably lower cholesterol levels, lower rates of heart disease and cancer. Let’s face it, while the west is still struggling with health and weight issues, not to mention spending billions on health care to try and stay younger, fitter and healthier so that they might live more durable and more prolonged, people of east want none of that.  You might want to ask yourself what the reason for their excellent health is? Although exercise and close family … Read more