Top Destinations for First-Time Solo Female Travelers


Picking a travel location as a first-time solo female traveler is challenging because there are many things to consider, including safety. Not to worry, though, because this guide contains top recommendations of the best travel destinations for you:

Lombok, Indonesia

Lombok is an excellent alternative if you’ve heard much about Bali but want to avoid going there because of the tourism overload. Everyone who travels to Lombok has one thing on their mind: to have fun. So it’s easy to socialize and make new friends. There’s also the added perk that everything is a lot cheaper here.

Siargao Island, The Philippines

Suppose you love the prospect of having a relaxed, calm atmosphere on your first solo trip, and you don’t mind water. In that case, you’ll find Siargao Island absolutely delightful. Whether you want to enjoy solo motorbike rides or relaxing lounges by the beach, this is the perfect place. You could even pick up a little surfing if you’re up for it.


Depending on where you live, a trip to Iceland may be the furthest distance you’ll ever travel or a close one. Regardless, one sure thing is it’s a perfect travel location for you if you’re a female traveling alone for the first time. This is for several reasons, the chief of which is safety. Of course, there are many fun things to do here, too, so you’re guaranteed a great trip either way.

Costa Rica

If your idea of a first solo trip involves sunny beaches, tropical forests, and ziplining. In that case, Costa Rica is a great choice. With so many sights to see and lots of fun new experiences like surfing or ziplining, this is a trip you’ll undoubtedly enjoy. Here’s a caveat, though, although Costa Rica is one of the safest Central American countries to visit, it can still be dangerous, especially if you isolate yourself. So it’s always a great idea to stick around the other tourists while exploring or in public spaces when you’re not.

New Zealand

If you want to enjoy solo hikes in an almost fairytale-like environment, New Zealand is just the place for you. This travel destination offers many beautiful sights, from majestic mountains to captivating landscapes. As far as safety is concerned, you’ll also have little to worry about here.


Fantastic weather, beautiful beaches, historic architecture, excellent cuisine. All of these are premium markers of the perfect first solo vacation. Portugal is also a wonderful place to meet new people since the social scene here is very active.


Few countries are as beautiful, diverse, and steeped in tradition as Japan. This is what makes it such a great destination to visit. You’ll enjoy unique experiences here, from boat rides to beautiful sights. It’s also worth mentioning that Japan is also quite famous for its fantastic cuisine. Pro tip: Try the street vendors whenever you can; their offerings will give your taste buds a wholesome delight.

Barcelona, Spain

There have been so many songs and writeups about how amazing Barcelona is as a travel location. Of course, it’s so easy to see why this is. Barcelona has everything from fantastic food to bustling nightlife and excellent hiking locations. Remember that Barcelona has a rich history of art and architecture. So regardless of your tastes, a trip to Barcelona isn’t one you’ll be forgetting in a hurry.

Asheville, North Carolina

Your first female solo trip should be to a calm place filled with many lovely and, of course, beautiful people. This is precisely why you should consider visiting Asheville. Apart from Asheville’s pretty scenic view, there’s also a vibrant local art and shopping scene. If you’re interested in architecture, you’ll also find some buildings with pretty great buildings.


Ireland isn’t a popular tourist destination compared to other places. However, it is still quite an exciting place to visit, especially if it’s your first solo trip. For one, the country is deep in history, meaning almost everything you see has an interesting backstory. In addition to this, there are also lots of great hiking destinations, and the local community is so lovely.


Suppose you want a first solo trip full of adventure, beautiful sightings, and lots of seafood. In that case, Croatia is a great travel location. In Croatia, you can have loads of fun boat-riding around different islands, hiking through the Plitvice Lakes, and even going on bike tours to explore different wineries. You’ll also have the option of capping up every day by watching beautiful Croatian sunsets (don’t worry, they’ll never get old).


Do you love history, epic stories, beautiful architecture, and everything royal? If you do, a visit to England should be high on your list of possible first solo travel destinations. A trip to England is like walking through the past and examining how things used to look.
For example, entire sections of buildings have been standing for a very long time. Just think of the sights they’ve seen and the stories those bricks have to tell. If you’re lucky enough, you could even spot members of the Royal family during your visit.


Singapore is the ideal first destination for solo female tourists for several reasons. First, Singapore is excellent, with many awe-inspiring pieces of architecture. So it’s not surprising that it’s one place tourists love to go. So whether you want a pure sightseeing experience or to literally “shop till you drop,” Singapore is the place to be.


You might be surprised that Germany has made the list of the best first-time solo travel destinations, but it’s warranted. Germany may have a poor history, but they’ve more than made up for it in recent times. There are lots of historic sights to see that’ll take you back in time. Germany has its fair share of thrilling underground clubs, museums, and other fun things.


Slovenia is highly rated as one of the safest countries in the entire world. This makes it a great first female solo trip location. There are so many things to love here: the excellent food and countless sights to see, and it’s also easy on your wallet.


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