Health Benefits of Parsnips

A worthy Participant against Strokes Despite their pale appearance and intense flavour, the health benefits of parsnips more than make up for their whitish tone. At first glance, you could easily mistake them for white carrots because both parsnips and carrots are so similar in shape. But that’s where the similarity ends. Parsnips don’t even come from the same root family as carrots, but surprisingly, from the parsley family, hence the name. Parsnips are a good source of fibre, folate and phenolic acids. They can also help prevent colon cancer, lower your risk of heart disease, stabilize blood sugar levels, decrease the risk of a stroke … Read more

Health Benefits of Onions

The Bulb of Good Health I’m sure you’d love to know why the health benefits of onions are so essential to us? Well, for starters, just beneath their paper-like skins are several chemical compounds that help lower cholesterol, thin your blood and prevent hardening of the arteries, all of which can significantly help prevent heart disease. One of the most critical heart-healthy compounds in onions is the flavonoids. The antioxidant properties within help gather up cell-damaging oxygen molecules called free radicals, which naturally accumulate in your body. One particular onion-dwelling flavonoid called quercetin is known to help knock out heart disease in two ways. One is … Read more

Health Benefits of Artichokes

It’s at the Heart of Good Health What are the health benefits of artichokes and where exactly did this “green pineapple” originate? Is it something we would enjoy eating? Put your hands up if you have ever seen or tasted an artichoke? I bet there won’t be many hands held high. Though I still don’t know quite how to prepare and cook fresh artichokes, they are one of my favourite vegetables. The outer leaves may be tough, but once you get your teeth into the heart of the artichoke, Jiminy Cricket, everything changes. If you’ve never had one, go out … Read more

Sweet Potato Benefits

Packed with Antioxidants To give you some idea of the sweet potato benefits for your health and the incredible healing power they have, you have to understand that they are more than just a filling food. Besides antioxidants, sweet potatoes come packed with goodness that can help protect your memory, control diabetes and help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. Sweet potatoes are not related whatsoever to that of the white potato family, but instead, they are a member of the morning glory family. Because of their bulging and spherical shape, they have no relation to the morning glory … Read more

Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

All good things come in small Packages Benefits of Brussels Sprouts You’d be dead right in thinking that Brussels Sprouts look just like a miniature version of their crucifer cousin – the cabbage. And that’s because they are. It’s likely to be the one vegetable on your plate you’d most want to slip under the table and give to your pet dog. The only trouble is, dogs don’t like them either. So it’s best to grin and bear them. Brussels sprouts not nearly as bad as we think they are. They’ve gotten a lot tastier than they were in the past. Brussel Sprouts of … Read more

Health Benefits of Cauliflower

The White Knight and his Colourful Cousins Fight against Cancer The Health Benefits of Cauliflower Mark Twain once said that cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education. But what he didn’t know was just how valuable this cruciferous family member was in our quest for good health. And if he did, Huckleberry Finn and his friend Jim might have spent their days eating raw cauliflower instead of those greasy catfish fillets. Just like cabbage and broccoli, cauliflower comes packed with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, all of which are essential in keeping our immune system in tip-top condition. So don’t take Mark’s comment to heart, … Read more