Vitamin Deficiency


Solutions on ways to heal yourself 

You’ll know if you have a vitamin deficiency if you suffer from muscle cramps, fatigue, insomnia, cold hands and feet or any other causes for concern? And did you know that you can heal yourself with vitamins directly from the foods you eat? Well, you’ve come to the right source because here you’ll find all the mineral and vitamin deficiency solutions you’ll need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Here’s how to fix the problem.

Many of us suffer from one or other annoying health problem at some stage of our living life and not realising that a lack of good stuff, could be to blame. Some deficiencies of vitamins and minerals can be dangerous to your health, and even a slight decrease in these mediums can have a noticeable impact on your well-being. In some cases, minor ailments are not necessarily caused by a deficiency, but you can help by boosting your vitamin and mineral intake.

So the question now is how much do we need of the right stuff? There is something called – The Recommended Daily Allowance or RDA for short gets calculated by the number of vitamins and minerals we need daily. The RDA is the minimum we should have. Still, because we all differ in lifestyle factors such as corrupt eating practices, exercise, stress and alcohol intake, these will affect our vitamin and mineral levels. Some studies even suggest that the current RDA’s of specific vitamins and minerals are not high enough, a direct indication that you may need more.

Consider this for a moment – While your body can excrete what it doesn’t want or need, it may be worth increasing your intake of specific vitamins should you encounter particular symptoms.

The most important thing to remember here is that vitamins and minerals get better absorption from the food we eat than from supplements. Is it not better to fix the problem by eating the right stuff, than by trying to fix the problem with a whole lot of pills, whether prescribed or otherwise. It’s not so much about the quantity of food you eat, but rather about the quality of the food you eat.

Not many of us are aware that by consuming quality over quantity as far as food is concerned, our bodies can manufacture their vitamins. However, the same cannot be said with minerals or trace elements. For that, we have to get them from an outside food source.

In this article, you’ll notice that I use the words “we”, “us” and “our” when I refer to things in general, but I also use the term “you” and “your” when I’m pointing the message specifically in your direction. 

Here is a helpful guide to some common ailments and how to tackle them from a nutritional point of view. If you should not experience any improvement after a few weeks, it may be advisable to consult with a doctor or a licensed health practitioner.  In the meantime, check this out.


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Vitamin Deficiency – Vitamin C for Urinary Tract Infections

Vitamin C helps reduce the harmful effects of bacteria in the urinary tract. It’s water-soluble, and because the body cannot store it, you need it as a daily routine.

Where to get vitamin C

  • Citrus Fruits such as Oranges and Grapefruit
  • Red Vegetables such as Tomatoes and Red Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Guava

Your daily RDA requirement is around 60 milligrams, which is equivalent to half an orange or one small glass of fresh orange or juice, half a guava or eight teaspoons of tomato puree. You can also boost your vitamin C requirement by taking a supplement of up to 1,000 milligrams, which would be unlikely to cause any harm. What you don’t need will be excreted in your urine.

Vitamin Deficiency – Vitamin C for Bruises

You have a deficiency of vitamin C if you find yourself bruising more quickly than usual or that your bruises are taking longer to heal. It’s essential for collagen formation as this will keep your skin’s tissue healthy and will also help your wounds to improve. You can follow the chart above for foods rich in vitamin C. Also above; you’ll see your daily RDA recommended allowance of vitamin C.    


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Vitamin Deficiency – Vitamin A for Dry Skin

Vitamin A is excellent for keeping your skin supple, and it’s also the reason why it’s added to skin creams. This antioxidant helps fight free radicals that damage the cells, and at the same time, it helps to form new skin cells.

Where to get Vitamin A

The daily RDA requirement is 0,8 milligrams which is equivalent to one medium carrot, one small red pepper and three slices of watermelon to name but a few.    

Bell Peppers

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Vitamin Deficiency – Vitamin K for Heavy Periods

Vitamin K helps blood clot and prevents excessive bleeding, so it’s useful for women suffering from heavy periods. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin, so what your body doesn’t need, will be stored in the liver.

Where to get Vitamin K

Because our bodies can produce vitamin K in our large intestine through the activity of healthy bacteria, there’s no RDA recommended daily allowance.    

Vitamin Deficiency – Vitamin B for Bloodshot Eyes

Vitamin B helps to regulate how much fluid there is in the eye sockets. Bloodshot eyes occur when the small blood vessels on the surface of the eye become inflamed and engorged with blood. It can also be the result due to a deficiency of vitamins B6 and B12. The RDA recommended daily allowance for Vitamin B12 is one milligram, and the same daily allowance for Vitamin B6 is two milligrams. See Natural Vitamins for more on vitamin B.   


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Vitamin Deficiency – Vitamin B and Magnesium for Stress

You need B Vitamins for all your body functions, and this is especially vital for concentration and brain function. Magnesium is another stress buster as it has a calming effect and it also helps regulate levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. See bloodshot eyes above and muscle cramps at the top of the page for all the foods rich in these ingredients needed for optimum health.

Beetroot and Parsley

Editorial credit: New Africa /

Love Travel Eat Right – Disclaimer

Please take note that the information on this site is designed for educational purposes and is intended solely for a general readership. The contents herein are not intended to offer any personal medical advice or to diagnose any health issues you may have. This information is also by no means a substitute for medical care by a licensed healthcare provider. For that, you’d need to consult your medical doctor or a health care practitioner for any advice should you require prescription medication.  


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