Raw Vegan Food


The Healthy Eating Lifestyle

Not only can a raw vegan food diet be seen as a healthy meat-free alternative but it can certainly add a lot more vibrancy and energy into the equation as well as it can make you as strong as an ox. And if anyone asks you how you can become as strong as an ox without eating meat, tell them – Have you ever seen an ox eating meat. And all this despite the lack of any long-term analogy of the type of successes that a raw food diet can bring to the table compared to other kinds of healthy food diets. Why not try a raw vegan diet for yourself and see what it can do for you? 

There are three raw food groups you can sink your teeth into, and they are high-fat plants, sweet fruits and leafy green vegetables. As to the portions of each you’d like to try, I’ll leave that entirely up to you. Some say as little as two per cent of your daily calories should come from leafy green vegetables, while others think it should be as high as thirty per cent. With high-fat foods, eat things like olives, nuts, avocados, seeds and cold-pressed oils. Again, some recommend anything from a small amount to as high as forty per cent.

It’s doubtful you can get as high as thirty per cent of your daily calories from green vegetables. That would require you consuming a heck of a lot of raw salads. Fortunately, such a massive intake is not necessary to get the benefits of a raw vegan food diet. Green leafy vegetables do have plenty of calcium, protein, vitamins and zinc. All you need to eat is around 500 grams a day to get the recommended amount. When you add veggies like carrots and peas to your meals, you’ll get plenty of calcium, zinc and protein. And don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not getting enough protein. 

When it comes to striking the right balance between sweet fruits and fatty foods, that’s where your tastes and health come into play. It’s not uncommon for some us to have concerns about our teeth if we eat a lot of fruit, especially when it comes to children eating too many sweet things. On the other hand, if you have a high metabolic rate, you may need more high-fat foods to maintain your weight for optimum health. At the same time, you don’t want to overdo it. Not more than ten per cent of your diet should consist of polyunsaturated fats. Instead, try to stock up a little more with monounsaturated fats.

By eating olives, avocados, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and macadamias, you’ll get all the fats you need. You can get up to forty per cent of your diet from these foods, depending on how much energy you need daily. A lot of these raw fatty foods also include omega-3 fats which are extremely good for you. You can even eat things like crushed flaxseed, and flaxseed oil is also excellent for salad dressings. While some of the soil in which plants grow around the world may be low on selenium, you’re still going to get a lot of the nutrients essential you need to stay healthy.

In terms of what sort of fruits you should eat, you don’t have to go with the ones that are unusual or exotic. Eat locally grown fruits as much as possible. Bananas may be low in fibre, but they offer plenty of potassium and will give you energy. Oranges are high in getting calcium, folate, potassium and vitamin C into your body. One of the real perks of a raw vegan food diet is that it helps reduce calcium loss, thus decreasing your blood pressure. It can also help reduce your risk of a stroke.

You may be a little concerned about vitamin B12 deficiency. Some health experts recommend that you don’t take vitamin B12 supplements unless symptoms of a deficiency manifest themselves. Even then, some say you should avoid taking any pills altogether. Instead, there are some excellent natural sources in wild plants such as shiitake mushrooms and seaweed such as nori or algae plant matter such as spirulina. If these are unavailable, eat fermented foods like miso or a probiotic.  

Raw Vegan Food

Raw Vegan Food

When setting up your raw vegan food for the day, you can comfortably get your protein intake from a variety of vegetables. Add to the mix a couple of fruits. You may want to try different textures of foods to keep your raw food diet interesting. That means having something soft, smooth, crunchy and even sticky, also for a variety of tastes – sweet, sour and so forth. Many people call this the yin and yang of the diet.

A raw food diet doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot add a little cooking to the mix. As an example, you could start your day with some cooked steel-cut or rolled oats for breakfast. And then add some freshly-cut fruit pieces such as pineapple, banana, sweet melon, papaya, strawberries and blueberries. Perhaps two or three different fruit could do the trick. While the oats will give you the fibre you need, the fruit will provide you with the vitamins and minerals you need. And what a perfect way that would be to begin your day. 

Straightforward apply the 20/80 principles. You could try eighty per cent of raw vegetables and fruit and 20 per cent of anything in the realm of other healthy plant-based foods. As for veggies, you could try some beets, and if you’re starving, a bowl of sweet winter squash for dessert could go down well. And there’s nothing wrong with adding some brown rice or quinoa to your evening meal. 

On the flip side, a summer menu could be a dish made of polenta and fresh corn. For your protein, whip up some rich and creamy red lentils. Next, get a nice serving of vegetables, and perhaps make a green salad with sunflower seeds, diced chives and carrots. You can also chop up some Chinese cabbage with lemons and red radishes.

In every way, these meals create the proper blending of foods and sensations. So long as you maintain a raw diet that has this balance, your health will be maintained, and you can battle the adverse effects of ageing. Follow these steps, and you can eat a healthy diet that is in keeping with the vegan dietary guidelines.     

Raw Vegan Food

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Please take note that the information on this site is designed for educational purposes and is intended solely for a general readership. The contents herein are not intended to offer any personal medical advice or to diagnose any health issues you may have. This information is also by no means a substitute for medical care by a licensed healthcare provider. For that, you’d need to consult your medical doctor or a health care practitioner for any advice should you require prescription medication.  


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